October 2022 Update

49er and Nacra 17 Classes


49er Mainsails


Production of 49er mainsails is under way and going according to plan. The first 120 sails will be warehoused at regional locations until a uniform release date they are delivered to sailors at the same time. We will announce the official date when we are better able to estimate it, but we’re still aiming at late Nov or December.

A global list of teams was created to help us reach one sail per team. The way it worked out was is the top sailor from each country gets a sail, and then almost every team that competed at Worlds or Euros gets a sail, along with some sails to regions that didn’t travel very much in 2022. The production plan from Norths includes a run to 200 total sails in this batch, so teams that fall outside the first batch should get their first sail shortly after.

If you wish to buy a new mainsail, purchase it from your local dealer and the team will coordinate behind the scenes.


Leadership Update


In the Nacra 17 Class, Lisa Diarmanin (AUS) resigned as VP during the Worlds, and the executive has voted to co-opt Emil Jaarrud (SWE) to fill that spot until an election can be held at the 2023 AGM.


2023 Euros Dates


We have applied to move the 2023 Euros to November 8-13, 2023 as the current/original dates now conflict with the Spanish GP in sail GP. World Sailing and the IOC must approve, so we will let you know fairly soon if the dates are locked by releasing the NOR.


Nacra 17 Data


At the AGM we discussed sharing the measurement data with the class. Our IM team did a great job of measuring at Worlds and we now have a dataset that covers the fleet.

In reviewing the data, the measurements are very consistent. The spread is tight and the top teams do not seem to be at extremes in any measurement. As such, the executive will have to discuss how best to share the data without adding unnessary downside with regard to class rules. Please standby as we review the best way to do that, but your expectations should be that there is no magic bullet in terms of what it might reveal.


Limits on 49er and FX Sails


The team at Norths has been reviewing the information they collected at Worlds and through the summer and is in Sri Lanka looking to put their theories into practice to improve consistency of our sails.

Most of the external geometry concerns of the fleet could be explained within what they already knew. However, they are looking to imrove practices in 3 ways to improve the consistency of the shape of the sails.

We will not go into detail of these items, as it is not viable to have 800 Quality Assurance managers overseeing this process. Norths is working as hard as they can to build our sails consistently and we will continue to monitor those efforts.

You will see a new royalty tag on the sails from now onwards that says MCE or Manufacture Certified Equipment. This replaces the older tags that said IHC. In some sails, it does not reflect any meaningful change, but it others, like the 49er mainsail, it clearly differentiates new sails from old.

Based on the votes at our AGM, the plan we put to World Sailing is that for 49er mains, 49er jibs, and FX jibs, MCE tagged sails will be allowed at the Olympic Games, Worlds, and Euors, with any 3di FX main allowed too.

Additional sails already in ciculation before the introduction of MCE tags are eligabile to have an MCE tag added to their sail to become fully legal for these championships.

– FX jibs with a serial number greater than 8285 plus 8337,8338,8428,8434, but excluding 8249,8251,8173

– 49er Jibs with serial number 506875 or higher plus 506859, 506849, 506848, 506844, 506843, 506841, 506840, 506839, 506820, 506815, 506814, 506813, 506811, 506808, 506801, 506796, 506794, 506793, 506792, 506789, 506787, 506785, 506684, 506629, 506628, 506626, 506625, 506578, 506577 but excluding 506886, 506888, 506907, 506906, 506905, 506904, 506903, 506917, 506920, 506924, 506926, 506929, 507221, 507220, 507219, 507239, 507237, 507236, 507235, 507234, 507232, 507231, 507778, 507776, 507775, 507774, 507780 or jibs that have been trimmed by North Sails and registered in Barry’s system.

These rules ensure that only sails of the updated geometry can race at elite competitoins.

This proposal has been put toward World Sailing, and once they agree it will be added to our class rules.



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